Ballwin does not need more apartments and I will reopen and investigate the approval by Aldermen of the new apartment development of Parc Place across from Vlasis Park in Ballwin. (Ballwin approved zoning changes to allow a 7-story, 196-unit apartment building off Manchester Road and 2,090 sq ft commercial).
The will of the people was ignored and we need to find out why. I will not vote to approve any rezoning that has the potential to change the character and negatively affect the quality of properties in Ballwin.
I will seek to institute term limits of elected officials in Ballwin that mirrors the eight-year term limit of Missouri State elected officials.
Economic growth is necessary to keep Ballwin thriving. Attracting new businesses and assisting current businesses is important. I will ensure there are incentives to attract new businesses and that government regulations are not a burden to small business owners.
I will eliminate wasteful spending and deliver an efficient and affordable local government.
I will increase government transparency through virtual alderman meetings and online community forums.
Elect Brant Harber for Ballwin Alderman
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